Medical Study


As with every living creature, medical issues will arise. Reptile medicine is growing every year, but there is so much work that needs to be done. And lesser known reptiles such as our Phants will be even more challenged to get quality care.

This page will be slowly added to as situations arise.

A reptile experienced veterinarian is gold to us. They are few and far between. We at Misty Mountain Phants are lucky to have a veterinary office within driving distance that has deep experience with reptiles. If you are in the Orange County/Southern California area, Dr. Tom Greek and Associates has proven to be excellent for medical care.

I am not a veterinarian as so I share my experience here only to add to community knowledge. I am not giving medical advice and I won’t even try to take the place of a vet visit. But it is important that we share as much as we can within our community. Although I will not give veterinary advice, I would very much like to hear your experiences. And if you have a case study that would be useful for the community I would be interested in adding your case study here. Contact me if you are interested. Whether here or on the social media of your choice, please share so that we can build our community.

Below are case studies. In these studies I will openly share mistakes that caused the condition if it would serve to warn you from doing them yourself.

Swollen Eye

gecko with swollen eyeSwollen Eye

A sudden swelling 0f the eye.